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5 ways to easily personalize your email campaigns
Email Marketing

5 ways to easily personalize your email campaigns

Make a few changes to your email marketing strategy to incorporate personalization, reassuring your customers that you understand them and that it’s worth purchasing from your brand again.

Jaime Fletcher
July 23, 2024
4 min read

If there’s one email marketing trend we’d bet on staying around, it would be personalization. According to a study from Marketing Insider Group, 78% of American internet users said personally relevant content from brands increases their purchase intent.

In this post, we break things down into steps you can take today to start making an impact! Here we go.

1. Add personalized copy

By tailoring an email with your customers’ first name, you’ll be able to kickstart a meaningful experience where they feel a personal connection to your brand. Research from Campaign Monitor showed personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened!

Here, Eventbrite uses the recipients first name to immediately engage them. Their eye is drawn to this email as it feels more personalized.

2. Personalize based on location

Another great way to show your customers you’re paying attention is to personalize your emails based on their location. For example, you can customize offers based on the weather in a customer’s city (say if you're hosting an outdoor event) or if you have venues in multiple cities, you could promote shows to customers who you know live in the right city!

Spotify does personalization well. Because they have so much data on your listening history, but also know where you reside, they can dynamically suggest upcoming concerts that likely interest you.

3. Personalize based on past purchases

Leveraging your customers purchase history can help you personalize event recommendations based on your customers’ preferences. Which of your customers have recently purchased tickets for a particular artist? What about to a particular genre of music?

Yep — Spotify, again! In this particular example, they know this customer has listened quite a bit to the artist Generationals and so knows to prioritize this listener for presale access.

4. Personalize based on customer stats

What better way to engage customers than to show them flaunt their pride in how many events or concerts they've been to that year. By building out some basic stats for your customers (like number of events attended or how many times they organized an outing for their friends by buying tickets in groups of 6 or more), they can be reminded of some of the memories they've made.

Last Spotify example — I promise. Their highly popular wrapped delivers on your unique listening stats: how many minutes you've listened to, as well as top artists. Think of this as inspo on how you could reward your loyal ticket-buyers.

5. Personalize abandoned cart emails

On average, almost 70% of shopping carts are abandoned — that looks like opportunity to us! These customers have expressed a high level of interest in your shows. Re-engage customers in the buying cycle by sending them a personalized email reminder of what they left behind in their cart.

Ticketmaster makes what you left behind front-and-center in this abandoned cart email.

Now that you’ve learned more about personalizing emails to be uniquely relevant to your customers, you’re on your way to launching campaigns that will engage them more than ever!