Customer Testimonials

Read what our customers are saying about Hive as their Email Marketing Platform. Come for our
all-in-one email, SMS and CRM platform, stay for our best-in-class customer support.

Sarah Gaeta

Marketing Strategist @Welo

The Hive team truly cares about helping us succeed with email marketing. Our contact Jake has promptly and thoughtfully responded to any and all of our questions. Definitely recommend!”

Sarah Pepper

Marketing Manager @Neumos

“Hive's automated engagement levels make so much sense. Our data is finally organized so we can use it to actually target people better.”

Frank Spada

Director of Digital @Complex

With Hive, we have everything we need to manage email marketing and data collection across all our brands. It's helped us promote ComplexCon and sell out merch with hyper-targeted emails.”

Aaron Owen-Crains

Marketing Manager @HeardPresents

“We are definitely getting higher click rates than we ever did with Mailchimp. And we actually get responses from Hive's support team.”

Royal Bundy

VP of Marketing @RamsHeadEvents

"Best email platform we've ever used! Client support, specifically our client success manager Sarah, is hands down the best service we've ever received among any email platform we've ever used. She is incredibly knowledgeable about the product, has taken the time to learn our business, and is able to give recommendations on how Hive can best serve our business. She is quick to respond, provides frequent updates, and has a solution for almost every question we've had. The template builder has way more options compared to other services. Hive's integration with our ticketing system is incredible and provides extremely valuable detailed insights in to our demographics. Onboarding was quick and efficient and our rep even offered to create our first templates. Really, I can't say enough great things about Hive!"

Andrew Apanov

Founder @DottedMusic

A hidden gem for email and text marketing! Hive's automated engagement segments are great, they make it easier to organize our lists. They've boosted our open rates since we switched some of our clients. The setup is super fast as well. Highly recommended for anyone looking to automate their email strategy. Also 10/10 for the timely and personal support."

Austin Knight

Marketing Director @FullCirclePresents

The data we get in Hive is way better than Mailchimp. Our data is finally organized so we can use it to actually target people better. Maybe that's why the open and click rates have gone up since switching over.”

Jade Frias

Marketing Coordinator @Ardmore

"Client support is excellent! Onboarding to a new email platform is always a daunting task ~ but I have to say Hive has been super hands-on and supportive with all of my company's needs! My rep has been reliable, timely and always comes back with either a solution or next steps to resolve any outstanding issues. Additionally, their team has also provided us valuable tools and resources to make the most of all of the features within the platform. Automated journeys have been exciting to experiment with, and Hive has been great about providing us with a floor of understanding to start with. We look to make the most of them in the coming months/years!"

Sending 250 million+ emails a month for the world’s top brands